LOL: The richest US

At League of Legends, the Worlds are still running, but the transfer market is going on in the US. In recent years, Lol teams like Cloud 9 and TSM gave millions of US dollars for their best players. But they do not stay.

These expensive players are:

The Midlan Perkz moved to Cloud9 for allegedly $ 5 million in 2020 from G2. But the US team is supposedly sold him again - because the Kroat does not want to stay. Perkz is considered the best player who has ever produced Europe. The Midlan Bjergsen played 8 years for TSM before he was 2020 coach. He is now becoming a co-owner of the team. He wants to play again 2021. But not for TSM. Although Bjergsen is Dane, but the LOL of the US has shaped over the last few years. Supporter Swordart moved to TSM before 2020 and received a contract for $ 6 million for 2 years. He too will go. Sword style Stand 2020 for the Team Suning in the final of the Worlds.

Perkz leaves Cloud9, wants to build its own team

That s going on at Perkz: Like sources report, Cloud9 has currently pretending to sell Perkz. This seems obviously at the request of the Croatian Midlan.

It s called Perkz told the team on 25 October, he will not return to Cloud9 in 2022 - he calls family reasons as the cause. The message still extended Cloud9 before leaving the Worlds against Gen G..

It is said to plan Perkz now to build a separate team in the off-season and are looking for a team that allows him to do.

On Twitter, Perkz is already funny about the rumors, to which EU team he changes by packing practically all major EU teams in a Tweet:

Bjergsen wants to play again - but no longer for TSM despite good offer

This is going on at Bjergsen: as TSM announced, you have made an offer to the legendary Midlan Bjergsen, which apparently promised a lot of money and the opportunity to build a team around him.

Bjergsen rejected the offer. Now you want to build a new team at TSM and put on highly talented young players.

According to current rumors (via upcomer), Bjergsen should allegedly change to the competitor Team Liquid, where the actual Midlan Jensen is apparently to avoid the Botlane.

This is illegally the same Move, the Perkz has deducted in Europe before 2019.

This is going on at Swordart: The Supporter Swordart got $ 6 million for 2 years at TSM, but the team leaves the team after a year and leaves $ 3 million.

Sword style had done it 2020 to the final of the Worlds, but in 2021 disappointed TSM and could not qualify for the Worlds.

TSM swims in the money, but hardly has players

That is behind it: The movements at TSM are strange. TSM floats after a big deal with a crypto stock market in the money. The fact that you wanted to put the money just in Bjergsen, who did not play a profi-lol more than a year and has not won internationally internationally, it is probably only to justify loyalty and hoping to inspire fans.

That Bjergsen refuses this to go away from TSM is still a trail of oblique.

Exciting is sure where Perkz lands. The Croat is considered incredibly ambitious and he seems to be a separate super team forms after it had not been enough for the Worlds. That could be an exciting project - the question is who paid it to him. Actually, TSM would be the best address if they are now putting on players with perspective, the well-being:

America's Most Hated Man Owned a LoL Esports Team

Lol: Who has money and a team, can get one of the best players in Germany
