In the manufacture of the commitment in the Bag, PGC 2021,

The most prominent change among the 14.1 updates of the battleground applied to PGC 2021 is the upcoming function. The newly added upcoming upcoming upset is the ability to pick up the player in the DINO (stunning) state to move the team member or use the enemy as a shield. If the destination is not in a very narrow space or is not in resuscitation, it is now possible to use the up to move on top of the shoulder. In the current PGC 2021, the scenes that have been able to utilize the upcoming functionality well and the scenes that saved the team at a difficult moment were captured.

Ranking Crystal 1 Day at 1st Match 2, the AURA of Benji used the upcoming work function to save an injured PIO in a distance. After the Super Save and Super Play, Gen. G maintained a four-person squad with a stable game, and stood up to the first chicken in this match.

Weekly Survival 1 week 1 Day Match 4 in MAD CLAN's LASH has been up to END. Winner is essential to maintain a quadrille in Weekly Survival, which is applied by the dinner. That's why you can use the upcoming team members to work with a very important feature in this competition. The relay cried in the heart of the Korean team, and it shouted in the heart of cheering, and this is spreading into one meme in PGC 2021.

Another Korean team in the same match utilized the upcoming function. Hello of Canada E-Sports moved to a safe place to go to the safe place. At a moment of an urgent moment, the Korean team was able to expect the Korean team to expect the reversal to eat chicken, and they relayed the relaying again.

Previously, I often gave up when a team member was injured or stunned in an enemy of open space. In the exposed situation, it is because it was a crisis to treat and obtain a team member in the crisis. However, in PGC 2021, it was much faster and easier to safely rescue the wounded team members with the upcoming function. As a result, it has been easier to maintain a four-person squad, and more diverse and dynamic scenes could be directed. In addition to the above video, the upcoming is often used in the competition and is also a great response in the community.
