The Witcher: Witcher, Monster, Fate

The Witcher is an American-Polish dream collection based upon the Gerald saga of Andrew Minkowski. The initial season was published on December 20, 2019, by Netflix, the 2nd on 17 December 2021. In enhancement, Netflix offered eco-friendly light for a 3rd season. After a Polish attribute film of 2001 as well as the 2002 13-piece TV series based on this is the second cinematic execution of the Witcher saga.

Witcher, Magicians, Monsters, Fate and Magic: The Witcher linked all these concepts to an exciting fantasy series. The first season has now started again two years ago. Much time, especially, considering how much in the eight episodes of the first season happened. Before it goes to Season 2, here is a little refresher.

Who are the main characters?

The Witcher turns mainly around Witcher Gerald of Rival, Magyar Jennifer and Princess Cirri. At the beginning of Season 1, Gerald is still a Witcher: Gerald and Jennifer connects a common destiny. Source: Netflix Monster Hunter, as is usual for pitchers. Jennifer survives her training at the Aretha Academy for Ministers and Cirri is on the run from the army, which overruns the kingdom of her mother. In the end, it turns out that the fate of the three is interconnected.

Guilt is Gerald. When trying to save Jennifer from a jinn, he concatenates his own life with his last wish with that of the magician. Cirri, in turn, comes to a so-called unexpected child, which he accidentally requires as a payment for an order. At the beginning of Season 2, Gerald and Cirri finally found themselves and turn up to the old Witcher fortress Key Morten. From Jennifer missing after the Battle of Sodden but any track.

we did not forget?

That's right, Easier is none of the three main characters, as a self-designed best friend of Greatly, but he plays an important role in the stories. The bard endeavors to make a hero from monster hunter and become famous by the narrative of his stories. Incidentally, he is quite a woman's hero.

What is a Witcher?

The Witcher Season 2 | Geralt vs. Michelet Brothers Often the only protection that the inhabitants of the northern kingdoms have monsters and other creatures is a Witcher. These professional monster hunters were transformed into almost perfect combat machines through severe training and terrible mutations. Despite their services, many people face the witches suspicious.

Meanwhile, there are only a few witches, which also lies that the mutagens needed to transform someone into a Witcher. Gerald's old Mentor Semi tries with a handful of other witches on the former base of the pitchers, Keyed Morten, at least a few of the traditions still alive.

Monster or people?

Many stories in the Witcher universe revolve around the question of who is the actual monster: the creature, the straight chases straight, or the people who have commissioned him. Mostly turns out that people face them through their mistrust and their hostility, what is not like they are usually the bigger problem than the supposed monsters. Nowhere will that be more apparent than in the northern kingdom. Non-people are poorly considered there, and the people are superstitious and destroyed. The Witcher: BillGuard's soldiers are not only interested in the conquest of the northern kingdoms. Source: Netflix

How do the bad guys come from?

Against the Kingdoms of the North stands the Empire BillGuard, the piece under joy free kingdoms and counties. Through its many provinces and its huge army, the Empire is a constant threat to the northern kingdoms.

Both power blocks are separated by the large river Aruba. Current Emperor in BillGuard is Ether Var Expire, which reinforced the expansion policy of its predecessors. In addition, he not only serves his armies, but also assassins, intrigues and magicians.

Why are there so many monsters on the continent?

Many centuries ago, the world was haunted by Gerald of Rival, the continent, cataclysm (alternatively the spheres' conjunction). Portals have emerged to different worlds and the beings that came through them, stranded on the continent. To them also belonged to the people who distributed the original residents of the continent, the elves, from their home countries. But also dragons, Kikimoras and other creatures got lost on the continent.

What has it with Cirri?

The Witcher: Her bloodline makes Cirri something special. Source: Netflix Who knows only the first season of The Witcher, could wonder why so much Tam tam is made around Cirri. This is important to do with your origin. As it turns out, Cirri is part of a bloodline attributable to the Elfin Lara Darren. That's why she has the (older blood) Elder Blood, which gives her special skills. And not only in the Empire Nilefgaard desires awakens.

Where can I learn more about the Witcher stories?

Even the best summary can not replace the books and games on which the Netflix series is based. Those who want to learn more about Gerald and his adventure can therefore first read into the novel series of Andrew Minkowski. A good complement are the games of CD project Red, who play after the end of the novels. The links marked are affiliate links. Affiliate links are no ads, as we are independent in the search and selection of the presented products. For product sales we receive a small commission, with which we partially finance the free content of the website.
